This family has grown to be so near to my heart. If I was still at home, I'd probably beg them to let me watch their kids because I think they are pretty much the coolest! ;) I've actually only known these five since this summer, when the Weimer family was staying with them...and we ended up hanging out all the time! Athena saw my post on instagram about family mini-sessions & didn't waste any time asking me to include them. Of course I said yes to that!
The way this family loves each other is so evident, and I just love each personality these kids bring to the table! I feel like they definitely show through the photos—Addison's sweet & sass, Lucas' gentle self, and Dawson's uber-goober silliness! Thank you so much for trusting me with your family's photos and always being so supportive. Squeeze those kiddos tight for me! :)
These are BEAUTIFUL, Amelia! I am so proud of you!