It snowed yesterday.
World, don't get me wrong, I love snow! December is my favorite month, after all—twinkle lights, my birthday, hot cocoa with mini-marshmallows, heavenly smells wafting from the kitchen—it really does not get better than that! The
cold that comes with snow, however, is probably one of the worst things. I detest it with more feeling than Anne of Green Gables had towards Gilbert after he called her "Carrots!"
When snow (and a 4* windchill) hits campus, I choose to stay inside if at all possible.
Meaning, I spent a lot of time in my room yesterday. Sitting on the futon. Working on my PR blog, reading my history book on segregation, drinking good earth tea, and finding this:
I'm a huge sucker for music videos. ESPECIALLY when they include my current favorite boy band and tell a story about the power of photographs. A permanently captured memory to keep—no matter if the person you love is deployed in a far off land, working in another city, or gone from this earth but kept in your heart and old family videos & photos from past holiday seasons.
So! Snuggle up, watch this sweet tribute, and then tell me about your favorite treasured photo of you & someone you love in the comments!