remember as a kid, how you loved those home videos? the ones of your first birthday party, or when your parents brought home a brand new sibling from the hospital? the ones where you wore the MOST ridiculous outfits—and it's humiliating but oh-so-hilarious now!
i want to capture that, but now. and sans-embarrasing 90s clothes. ;) those real moments...i want to experience them with you, capture them & put the in a book or on your wall for all to see. so that in 20 years, you'll look back at these days & be able to feel them.
more about all this will be coming soon...but first, an introduction of sorts. sweet little miss naiya, when she was just 11 days old.
oh so tiny, oh so precious, oh so loved.
ahhh! oh my heart. Amelia these are just so SO beautiful. Keep doing this!